Geezer Pleezer
Date: Sunday, Feb. 9, 2025 10 AM
Distance: ~4 Miles
Pre register for the Geezer Pleezer
A highly competitive race for all ages, and a long time Godiva favorite.
Come one, come all and join geezers of all ages for a fun time at Carolina Friends School (4809 Friends School Rd, Durham).
View the Geezer Pleezer Hall of Fame
The lowdown on the run: It is handicapped, based on age and sex. We use the latest World Masters Athletics age-graded performance factors to determine the handicap, or "offset times," which are the amount of a head-start that older (as well as younger-than-21) runners get. The race begins when the participant(s) having the highest offset time start(s) off, but the race clock only begins counting down at that point. Successive runners' offset times decrease in 15-second intervals, and the last-to-start (males 21-31) take off when the clock reaches 0:00. The clock then begins to count upwards, and all finishers get a recorded time based on the time elapsed since that point. As usual, the first runner to cross the finish line wins. NOTE: Once the race clock starts, it is each runner’s responsibility to get to the starting line at their offset time.
We will have small prizes for the top ten finishers and there will be some post-race snacks for all.
We will have online, no-obligation preregistration available until 6 PM Saturday, February 8th at this link: Geezer Pleezer Preregistration. Alternatively, since many of you are already in the database where the software has already calculated your offset time, just email me (GeezerGuy) and you are registered.
On Sunday morning you can simply pick up your pre-assigned race number (with offset already provided; no need to look it up!), sign the pre-filled out waiver, and pay your day of race entry fee if you are not already a paid-up Winter Series participant.
If you need to submit a day entry fee ($5.00 per participant) please use this PayPal shopping cart, or you can Venmo a payment with the QR code below.
If you have read this far and will not be running the race, congratulations! You qualify to be a volunteer! Please consider joining us to help put on the race—we can't do it without you. Shoot me an email at (GeezerGuy) if you can assist.