
Cross Country 09-02-2015

Because the Finley XC layout was not fully available to us, we ran a modified course that measured approximately 4.60 kilometers or 2.86 miles. The age graded scores are calculated based on a race distance of 4.60 kilometers, using 2015 WMA factors.
Name Sex/Age Distance (k) Time A.G. Score*
Lin, Reikan “Ray” M/25 4.6 18:04 64.0
Rumsey, Kevin M/53 4.6 18:19 74.0
Nickodem, Kevin M/58 4.6 19:26 72.7
Weed, Ronnie M/40 4.6 19:36 62.5
Hendricks, Lew M/42 4.6 19:45 62.9
Hassin, Brian M/36 4.6 20:11 58.9
Hensel, Doug M/42 4.6 20:44 59.9
Broglie, Jess F/31 4.6 21:01 62.9
Iafrati, Laura F/28 4.6 21:10 62.4
Seidenburg, Andrew M/32 4.6 21:37 53.9
Fahringer, Reno M/13 4.6 21:38 60.1
Perlow, Audrey F/35 4.6 22:40 59.0
Clossick, Tina F/43 4.6 22:47 62.0
Gould, Chris M/71 4.6 23:05 69.3
Cromer, David M/68 4.6 23:12 66.7
Robinson, Rachel F/32 4.6 23:33 56.2
Dooley, Ray M/62 4.6 23:53 61.3
O'Brien, Tim M/63 4.6 23:56 61.7
Wormsbecker, Paul M/54 4.6 24:12 56.5
Schmitz, William M/43 4.6 24:40 50.8
Whitley, Jason M/45 4.6 24:49 51.2
Lloyd, Aline F/44 4.6 24:58 57.1
Messina, Julie F/38 4.6 27:44 48.9
Surh, Jerry M/76 4.6 27:55 62.0
Cromer, Janet F/64 4.6 27:58 66.8
Harris, William M/39 4.6 28:12 43.1
Barrett, Katie F/33 4.6 29:25 45.1
Arnel, Tom M/52 4.6 30:30 44.1
Hindenach, Barbara F/64 4.6 30:45 60.8
Hensell, Erin F/35 4.6 31:06 43.0
Bazin, Aimee F/32 4.6 31:19 42.3
Stachowicz, Christine F/45 4.6 34:02 42.4
Wolfe, Richard M/77 4.6 49:08 19.8
Davis, Ed M/70 4.6 DNF  
Age Graded Results        
Rumsey, Kevin M/53 4.6 18:19 74.0
Nickodem, Kevin M/58 4.6 19:26 72.7
Gould, Chris M/71 4.6 23:05 69.3
Cromer, Janet F/64 4.6 27:58 66.8
Cromer, David M/68 4.6 23:12 66.7
Lin, Reikan “Ray” M/25 4.6 18:04 64.0
Hendricks, Lew M/42 4.6 19:45 62.9
Broglie, Jess F/31 4.6 21:01 62.9
Weed, Ronnie M/40 4.6 19:36 62.5
Iafrati, Laura F/28 4.6 21:10 62.4
Clossick, Tina F/43 4.6 22:47 62.0
Surh, Jerry M/76 4.6 27:55 62.0
O'Brien, Tim M/63 4.6 23:56 61.7
Dooley, Ray M/62 4.6 23:53 61.3
Hindenach, Barbara F/64 4.6 30:45 60.8
Reno Fahringer M/13 4.6 21:38 60.1
Hensel, Doug M/42 4.6 20:44 59.9
Perlow, Audrey F/35 4.6 22:40 59.0
Hassin, Brian M/36 4.6 20:11 58.9
Lloyd, Aline F/44 4.6 24:58 57.1
Wormsbecker, Paul M/54 4.6 24:12 56.5
Robinson, Rachel F/32 4.6 23:33 56.2
Seidenburg, Andrew M/32 4.6 21:37 53.9
Whitley, Jason M/45 4.6 24:49 51.2
Schmitz, William M/43 4.6 24:40 50.8
Messina, Julie F/38 4.6 27:44 48.9
Barrett, Katie F/33 4.6 29:25 45.1
Arnel, Tom M/52 4.6 30:30 44.1
Harris, William M/39 4.6 28:12 43.1
Hensell, Erin F/35 4.6 31:06 43.0
Stachowicz, Christine F/45 4.6 34:02 42.4
Bazin, Aimee F/32 4.6 31:19 42.3
Wolfe, Richard M/77 4.6 49:08 19.8
Davis, Ed M/70 4.6 DNF  

*Age graded score. A score of 100 represents a world record level of performance for the runner's age and gender. See the WMA Age-grading Calculator 2015